<script>on keyDown whichKeyif charToNum(whichKey)=13 then send mouseUp to btn ToNameelse type whichKeyend keyDownon mouseEnterglobal HelpTextif helpText =1 thenset the lockText of me to trueshow cd fld NumberHelpend ifend mouseEnteron mouseLeavehide cd fld NumberHelpset the lockText of me to falseend mouseLeave</script>
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<script>on mouseUpput empty into cd fld PhoneJumblerepeat with i = 1 to the number of chars of cd fld PhoneNumberput char i of cd fld PhoneNumber into PhTemprepeat with x = 1 to 3if PhTemp = 2 then put "ABC" into PhTempelse if PhTemp = 3 then put "DEF" into PhTempelse if PhTemp = 4 then put "GHI" into PhTempelse if PhTemp = 5 then put "JKL" into PhTempelse if PhTemp = 6 then put "MNO" into PhTempelse if PhTemp = 7 then put "PRS" into PhTempelse if PhTemp = 8 then put "TUV" into PhTempelse if PhTemp = 9 then put "WXY" into PhTempelse put PhTemp&PhTemp&PhTemp into PhTempput char x of PhTemp after char i-1 of line x of cd fld PhoneJumbleend repeatend repeatput cd fld PhoneJumble into cd fld PhoneAlphaput line 1 of cd fld PhoneJumble into cd fld PhoneNamesend mouseUp to btn PhRandomend mouseUpon mouseEnterglobal HelpTextif helpText =1 then show cd fld ToNameHelpend mouseEnteron mouseLeavehide cd fld ToNameHelpend mouseLeave</script>
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<script>on mouseUpput empty into cd fld PhoneNumberrepeat with i = 1 to the number of chars of cd fld PhoneNameput char i of cd fld PhoneName into PhTempif PhTemp is in "A,B,C" then put 2 into PhTempelse if PhTemp is in "D,E,F" then put 3 into PhTempelse if PhTemp is in "G,H,I" then put 4 into PhTempelse if PhTemp is in "J,K,L" then put 5 into PhTempelse if PhTemp is in "M,N,O" then put 6 into PhTempelse if PhTemp is in "P,R,S" then put 7 into PhTempelse if PhTemp is in "T,U,V" then put 8 into PhTempelse if PhTemp is in "W,X,Y" then put 9 into PhTempput PhTemp after char i-1 of cd fld PhoneNumberend repeatend mouseUpon mouseEnterglobal HelpTextif helpText =1 then show cd fld ToNumberHelpend mouseEnteron mouseLeavehide cd fld ToNumberHelpend mouseLeave</script>
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<script>on mouseUplock screenset the lockText of me to falseclick at the clickLocput line (word 2 of the selectedLine) of me into cd fld PhoneNameset the lockText of me to trueunlock screenend mouseUpon mouseEnterglobal HelpTextif helpText =1 then show cd fld CombinationHelpend mouseEnteron mouseLeavehide cd fld CombinationHelpend mouseLeave</script>
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<script>on mouseUpvisual shrink to topgo Homeend mouseUpon mouseEnterglobal HelpTextif helpText =1 then show cd fld HomeHelpend mouseEnteron mouseLeavehide cd fld HomeHelpend mouseLeave</script>
<text><span class="style2">hone Handler Stack Help!</span><span class="style1">Have you downloaded various stacks that purport to convert your phone number into a set of letters from which you can make a handy-dandy telephone handle? Well, so did I—and finally, I created one that works!!!While in the Help mode, just move the mouse over the area where you want help, and help text will appear. It will disappear as soon as you move the mouse away from area. To leave Help mode, click on the Help button again.Phone Handler Stack is copyrighted 1991 by Brian A. Foster, but may be distributed freely to all those who want it. If you’re into telephones, then check out my Phone Book Stack on AOL or BMUG.Hey, I hope that this stack is bug-free, but it probably isn’t. If you have problems, send them to me at: 2417 University Avenue, San Pablo, CA 94806-3684. I’ll also take suggestions for improvements.</span></text>
<text><span class="style2">andomizer Button Help!</span><span class="style1">Click on this button to make the bottom three rows of phone handlers change to a random combination, given the original telephone number entered. Note that the top three rows will always stay the same, so you can try to make your own combinations from all the possibilities.</span></text>
<text><span class="style2">ial Button Help!</span><span class="style1">Click on this button to dial the number currently showing in the Phone Number field. The number will dial through the Mac’s speaker.</span></text>
<text><span class="style2">ome Help!</span><span class="style1">Click on this button to go to the Home stack!</span></text>
<text><span class="style2">onvert to Name Help!</span><span class="style1">Click on this button to convert whatever number you have entered into the alphabetic equivalents (on the telephone). All possible letters will be shown within the first three rows in the Combinations field. (The last three rows will show a random combination of all the letters.) The top row will automatically be put into the Name field.</span></text>
<text><span class="style2">onvert to Number Help!</span><span class="style1">Click on this button to convert whatever letters you have entered in the Name field into their telephone numeric equivalents in the Number field.</span></text>
<text><span class="style2">umber Help!</span><span class="style1">Enter any telephone number (or </span><span class="style3">any</span><span class="style1"> number for that matter) into this field. Either press the Return key or click on the Convert to Name button to have all possible combinations of names for your number drawn in the fields below.</span></text>
<text><span class="style2">ame Help!</span><span class="style1">Enter any combination of alphanumeric characters (such as your name!) into this field. Note that all alphabetic characters will be converted automatically to CAPITALS, which makes sense given that it’s for the telephone. Either press the Return key or click on the Convert to Number button to have the telephone number equivalent determined for you in the Number Field.Click on any one of the six combinations below to have it inserted automatically into this field.</span></text>
<text><span class="style2">ombination Help!</span><span class="style1">The first three rows of this locked field will represent the straight combinations of all letters possible, given the number appearing in the Number field. The last three row show a random combination of those letters. Click on the Randomizer button to make a new random combination of letters.Click on any one of the six combinations to have it inserted automatically into the Name field.</span></text>